What we need is a specific energy program. Here's one:
1. Reduce foreign oil dependence
- Place a tax on unused oil leases.
- Make drilling available in the arctic and offshore... conditional upon exhausting 50% of existing, unused oil leases.
- Remove all federal gasoline taxes.
- Place a 33% tax on every barrel of oil imported from abroad.
- Create mild incentives for the use of natural gas and "clean" burning coal.
- Provide R&D tax breaks on seeking out new sources of oil in the USA.
This policy will also ensure that before we damage our national treasures in the name of removing our dependence on foreign oil, that we exploit the resources we already have in place.
2. Eliminate Hydrocarbon Dependence
- Allow no new power plants based on hydrocarbons.
- Subsidize the development of nuclear, wind, and solar power plants.
- Remove all tax breaks for energy companies related to hydrocarbon R&D (except as it relates to the specific tax breaks listed in part 1).
- Boost tax breaks for R&D spent on alternative energy sources.
- Remove capital gains taxes on investments in proportion to their expenses related to alternative energy R&D (careful how this is setup, can be a nice loophole for jackasses).
- Mandate that all new vehicles sold after 2015 must get 50 miles/gallon. Allow a very high "gas guzzler" tax for exceptions through 2020.
- Mandate that all new vehicles sold after 2030 must not require hydrocarbon energy sources.
- Mandate that all vehicles on the road must be powered by systems that do not require hydrocarbon energy sources by 2050.
Cheaper oil and gas should never be an objective; it just delays the inevitable—our need to not use hydrocarbons at all as sources of energy. Absent of an incentive like high gas prices, we will continue down the path of least resistence—fueling up at the pump.
And the reality is that we don't want the departure from a hydrocarbon system to be based on the free market. It must be mandated, or it simply won't happen unless the pain in the pocket book is severe enough. We therefore need regulations that establish a timetable for the move away from hydrocarbons.
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